Monday, February 23, 2009

Emergency Sex: and other desperate measures

For our February meeting we discussed the nonfiction expose of the United Nation’s peacekeeping efforts in the 1990s in Cambodia, Somalia, Haiti, Rwanda, Bosnia, and Liberia: Emergency Sex (and Other Desperate Measures): A True Story from Hell on Earth, by Kenneth Cain, Heidi Postlewait, and Andrew Thomson.

Everyone found the book to be interesting and heartbreaking. Members of our group were appalled at the UN’s mishandling of their international relief work We discussed the three authors’ unique perspectives as well as their motives in living and working in war-torn, dangerous countries. Overall, we were moved by the stories the writers shared of their attempts to make a difference in these desperate war zones. Their book provides an unflinching account of the modern day atrocities that have occurred in the last fifteen years and condemns the incompetency of the UN and the U.S government’s relief efforts..

The book rating : 3.0

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