Monday, March 2, 2009

Shadow of the wind-Jeanne's home

Our next Book Club meeting is on Tuesday, March 10, at 1:00 pm, at Jeanne Frasse's house in Songbukdong. We will be discussing Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón. Directions will be forthcoming.

Last month, we had a wonderful meeting at Raheleh's house. Not only did we have an excellent discussion about Emergency Sex and Other Desperate Measures, but we also got to wish Raheleh a happy birthday!!! Thank you, Raheleh for hosting us on your special day!

For our March discussion, consider the following questions:

1. Think about the title of the novel. What is "The Shadow of the Wind?" Where does Zafón refer to it and what does he use the image to illustrate?

2. Carlos Ruiz Zafón is a screenwriter as well as a novelist. Do you believe his work as a screenwriter has, in any way, influenced the novel?

Next month we will be welcoming a new member, Sophie Mabru. Our book will be Eat, Pray, Love.

Looking forward to seeing all of you at Jeanne's!

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